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Aine Powers

2024 | ME: Yarmouth
Recruit Profile
Coachable and hard working. I bring energy, passion, grit, speed, and competitiveness to every game. Calm but aggressive with coordination and speed on the field. A multi-sport athlete.

I started playing lacrosse in 3rd grade and played every year in my community. In 7th grade I joined a club team, Maineiax, and quickly grew my skills and realized this was my favorite sport. I also play soccer in high school and decided to give up basketball so I could focus on lacrosse skills in the winter. I believe lacrosse encompasses my hand-eye coordination from basketball and speed from soccer. I've been told I bring energy, passion, grit, speed, and competitiveness to every game. Academically I am an honors student and take Honors English and Math and I look forward to more science options in my sophomore year. My family and I foster puppies before adoption, and this year I helped take care of 15 puppies before they went to their forever family. In the summer I love to surf and hope to do more skiing in the winter.


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