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Alisia Busey

2020 | AZ: Tempe
Recruit Profile
“Keep your head in the game and behind the ball.”: Coachable, Driven & Ambitious with strong communication- energetic & always ready to improve.

I started playing my sophomore year of high school. Originally, I played attack and defense on our JV team but when we needed a goalie, I stepped up. I played all three positions the rest of that season and moved on to compete as a full time goalie. I have been successful in this position by not being scared of the ball and having a quick reaction time. I am pretty confident in and out of the crease and take communication with my defense seriously, both during and after a play.
When I am not playing lacrosse, I enjoy photography, fashion design, and reading. There is also something very captivating about old music and film. Thinking about a possible career in something to do with any of those fields along with piloting, communications or owning my own cafe.
I am taking 4th year AP French & Creative Writing this upcoming year. With extra room in my schedule, I decided to use the space to volunteer instead of taking classes I do not necessarily need.

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