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Ashlyn Marxhausen

2023 | MN: Woodbury
Recruit Profile
Goalie, Coachable, Team Player, Strategic, Ability to track the ball, Confident in net, Communicator in field, Hardworking, Always Willing to Learn, Honors/AP Student.

I started playing lacrosse at 10 (4th grade) and 2 years later changed my focus to goalie. I've played club lacrosse (goalie) since 6th grade and enjoy traveling and improving myself in game. I love playing goalie, but can also play in field as needed. I am looking for a strong academic school with a competitive lacrosse program, where I can learn and contribute to the team.

I ride Equestrian while playing lacrosse year round. I'm an Honors/AP level student. My other interests are painting & digital art media.. For recreational sports, I enjoy alpine skiing, badminton, and tennis.

I regularly volunteer in my community through various projects and at local barns. Two organizations I am passionate about are Feed My Starving Children and River Valley Riders, an organization to enrich the lives of children and adults with special needs by providing equine assisted activities and therapies.

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