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Colin Werremeyer

2025 | MN: Orono
Recruit Profile
Physically strong and agile attackman with coachable confidence and high lacrosse IQ. Disciplined field general at X with on-field game command. Was a high performing men's gymnast for years.

I'm a strong and agile player excelling at running attack at X position for my travel clubs and high school. I have a strong lacrosse game IQ and field knowledge through extensive association lacrosse, club lacrosse, and high school game time leadership and on-field activity. I'm excited for the future as I'm interested in pursuing lacrosse in college at high level D2/D3, mid level D1.

For many years I was a high level boy's gymnast, which requires incredible mental and physical discipline, intensity, and confidence. These traits manifest on the lacrosse field where I'm a fast dodger, big and strong enough to not get pushed around, and have the body agility to fall without being injured. Gymnastics taught me to be quick in my body motion, fearless in my mind, and to try, try, and try again until you get the routine. I bring these same skills to the lacrosse field.

I'm working on building my on-field scoring and growing leadership skills by being the field leader for Frog Lacrosse 2025, and I work closely with stronger players and high level coaches on Team UNRL MN to learn more about the game. I've been invited to Team UNRL National events because of my skills sets, positive attitude, and desire to be a good player, team mate, and friend. Each opportunity at Frog, UNRL MN and UNRL National allows me to build new games skills and leadership capabilities.

I'm an active listener who engages in a positive manner with coaches and with other players because I'm eager to learn and advance my skills. Nothing is too small for me to do to continue to grow as a person and as a lacrosse player. I always want to be the first on the field and the last off the field, and I'm always working on my stick skills in the backyard, shooting at the high school, and now working on my speed, agility, and weightlifting skills through professional trainers and other resources.

I have a high 3.7 GPA at Orono High School, ranked as the #1 Public High School in the State of Minnesota, and will be taking advanced level and honors courses as a sophomore and beyond. I'm currently interested in becoming a Physical Therapist. In my spare time I like to golf and wake surf, and I find great satisfaction when I volunteer to teach gymnastics our Special Olympians.


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