
Ethan Siddell

2022 | OH: Dublin
1.5K |

Bryan England

Sep 22, 2020

I recommend and endorse Ethen as a lacrosse player and a quality young man. Ethen has tremendous work ethic and skills as a lacrosse player. Ethen is a diverse player, he can play LSM, close defense and short stick middy if need be. Ethen shines when he is playing LSM because he plays so well in between the lines and his stick picks up any ground ball around him. He pushes the ball in transition and due to his stick skills is a threat on the offensive side of the ball. Ethen will do anything you ask of him and has incredible stamina. There was a tournament where he had to play all three above positions due to other players injuries and I think came off the field for a break once. Ethan is a fierce competitor and wants to match up against the best kid on the field he searches them out to match up on. He even actively consults with me when he thinks two players are equally dangerous. He is constantly asking for feedback in specific situations to help himself improve. He communicates constantly with other players while playing and helps guide other players through difficult situations. All being said if I could have 10 players on the field with his tenacity, skill, and outlook I would have an outstanding team and could compete with anyone. Please consider Ethen for your program he will improve your team from day one.

Andy Asmo

Sep 22, 2020

Ethan is a super smart player who plays the game very fast. Ethan is super comfortable with ball in his stick and will often stay out for offensive shifts after clearing the ball. He also plays soccer. Nobody works harder in practice than Ethan. 3.8 GPA

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