
Haylie Dickerson

Sees the field very well. Team player with good communication. Ability to play midfield and defense. Multi sport athlete- varsity lacrosse and soccer. Dedicated scholar (3.7).

Hi! My name is Haylie Dickerson my favorite part of playing lacrosse is how fast paced the sport is. When I first started playing lacrosse in 5th grade, I instantly fell in love with it. My 8th grade year I was brought up to JV. I was a midfielder until I got pulled up to varsity my sophomore year to play as a starting defender, and loved the change in dynamic it brought. Making me a more versatile player. I also am starting varsity goal keeper for soccer. Outside of sports I take AP composition, AP environmental, and AP psychology. I volunteer for the Leos Club, helping out my community in any way I can. Lacrosse has always been my outlet, a way to push my self mentally and physically. I am a determined and motivated player. My FLG blue devils team I joined my freshmen year has become a family to me, working with girls from all different school districts. Which has allowed me to become a more dedicated player.