
Jai Wesley

DE: Wilmington
Played DIII Men's Lacrosse '09 - '13. Offensive Coordinator for St. Andrew's School Delaware '13-'14. Head Coach for St. Andrew's School Delaware '14-'18.

As a coach, I focus greatly on the technical abilities of the players I coach and the IQ level it takes to know when and were to use the abilities introduced. During my 5 years of being a Head Coach, I have had the chance to coach some of the best players in the state of Delaware as well as grow and groom players from their first time holding a stick to 40+ season goal contributors.

To accomplish such growth in a short period of time requires careful planning and a healthy mix of skill training as well as game IQ training. In my 14 years of lacrosse playing and coaching experience, it has been those whom nurture both of these aspects of personal growth within the game of lacrosse that have the most potential for success.

At individual lacrosse sessions at the 76ers Fieldhouse, players can be expected to have their skill set tested as well as their knowledge of the game. Drills will be designed to develop skill with real game time applications rather than being a disguised conditioning practice. By focusing on skill development and knowledge of the game, players wont just get a "workout," but drills and development programs that they can do at home to improve as well as a larger knowledge base of the game of lacrosse that will serve them throughout their lacrosse career.

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