
Louise Aloi

2023 | MD: Towson
1.7K |

Chris Palmer

Nov 30, 2021

I have been Louise strength and conditioning coach for 3 years now. She an amazing athlete. She works very hard in the off seasons of playing Lacrosse and field hockey. I have seen her strength, speed and confidence increase over past years. She’s very coachable and always willing to Putin the extra work when needed.

Audrey Byrd

Sep 2, 2021

Louise is one of our top attackers on the team, therefore, we rely heavily on her ability to finish. She understands her role as a lefty, what the defense is giving her and executes her dodges effectively. Louise communicates constantly and is often the one to set the tempo of our offense. She is present in the ride contributing to a handful of caused turnovers. Louise is coachable, upbeat and not afraid to ask questions.

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