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Luke Henricksen

2022 | CT: Milford
Recruit Profile
I am a rising Junior and striving to get better every day. I started lacrosse in 8th grade and immediately fell in love with it. In my freshman year I was on varsity, taking face-offs and playing in the field. I am dedicated to getting better everyday. I am a team player and work the hardest on the field and in the weight room. My strengths are shooting and face-offs, I also have a good off hand. I play varsity soccer and also played freshman basketball. I am taking 3 AP classes this year and the rest of my schedule is filled with honors level Classes.

I started lacrosse in 8th grade and immediately fell in love with it. In freshman year I was on varsity taking face-offs and playing in the field. My strengths are shooting and face-offs, I also have a good off hand. I play Varsity soccer and also played freshman basketball. I am taking AP Government and Politics and all other honors classes.


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