
Mackenzie Giddens

NY: Holbrook
I have strong ball handling skills and a high lacrosse IQ. I consider myself a team leader and very coachable mutli-sport student athlete.

I have been playing lacrosse since I was 5 years old. When I first started playing, I never thought my passion for the game would be so strong that I would want to play at the college level. My coaches, have said that I have strong ball handling skills and a high lacrosse IQ. I consider myself a team leader and try to lead my example by helping my teammates. I am very coachable and strive to be one of the best players of the field. Off the field I apply myself and maintain a high GPA that keeps me on the honor roll. On and off the field, I will push myself to be the best student athlete that I can be. I am open to all options in order to find the right college match academically and athletically. I hope to one day, make my parents and family proud.