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Mackenzie Holland

2022 | IN: Osceola
Recruit Profile
Coachable, team player, disciplined, aggressive, played varisty lacrosse as a freshman at Penn HS, ranked number 1 in the state, ran varsity cross country as a freshman and qualified for

I started playing lacrosse when I was in 3rd grade for my local junior club team (Penn youth girls lacrosse). I realized that I fell in love with the sport and would love to continue playing throughout college. I am currently on the varsity team at Penn high school and am a varsity runner for the cross country team. As a freshman I was able to not only go to state for cross country, but I was able to be the number 4 runner for Penn at state. Freshman year of lacrosse I was a varsity player, I was not a starter however I got a lot of playing time. I was able to enhance my lacrosse skills as well as my bond with the team. Sophomore year I once again ran Varsity Cross country, I was 12 seconds away from qualifying for state as an individual. Unfortunately my sophomore year I didn't have much of a lacrosse season, however I was a starter in all games we had, I had good assists and goals in all. Aside from sports, I am very interested in being a surgeon when I grow up, and am very on top of school work as well as my athletic life.

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