
Maya Mosslih

2023 | MD: Easton
2K |

Katie Lowman

Jul 12, 2021

Maya is an extremely talented defenseman who is intuitive, tenacious, and strong. She started for us as a sophomore and has been an impact player, reliably and frequently getting ground balls and causing turn overs. She works well with her team and has strong 1v1 skills. Maya can also handle herself on the opposite end of the field if she finds herself there after a clear. Overall, Maya is an extremely strong player and hard worker.

Moira Leavitt

Oct 30, 2020

New to our club team Maya is a great addition to Line D. She uses her height to its full advantage, possesses a ridiculous reach which she uses to wait in the weeds and then strike by knocking down passes and feeds. Keen to grab GB and clear.

Jordyn Frew

Oct 13, 2020

Maya is a wonderful player who was always a leader for our defense. She is aggressive and a team player. Maya is eager to learn and is very coachable. She is a wonderful asset to any team.

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