
Mikayla Yang

2023 | CA: North Tustin
764 |
Recruit Profile
Left handed goalie and dominantly clear with my right hand = many opportunities to get possession of the ball while having a form of deception. Coachable and quick learner.

I still remember playing with old lacrosse sticks that my dad played with in highschool. Playing simple catch with him a couple times a week allowed me to build my competitiveness and mental strength. Trying something new, such as lacrosse, was at first difficult but after mastering catching and throwing, I realized that this sport was for me. Since then, I've learned the importance of being part of a team and how that team becomes family. I also learned the value of trust through plays and time between games during tournaments. Learning lessons from lacrosse also prepares me for the real world; it builds character through pep talks and team bonding. Having successfully led two different club teams to four championship wins and qualified to play in the All-Stars game, I have learned that I am physically and mentally tough.
I am a left handed goalie and dominantly clear with my right hand. This gives me many opportunities to get possession of the ball while having a form of deception. I also think different game situations though because anything can happen. After I am scored on, I dismiss the shot because I realize that I can't take that goal back. Instead of pouting after a goal, I do the action I would have done to save the shot and stay ready for the next upcoming shot. Whether getting hit by an 80mph lacrosse ball or losing a game, I don't dwell on the negatives. I'm always looking ahead to improve my game and my character, and the same is true about my academics. I want to take on the challenge of honors classes to expose myself to the life of a student athlete. Balancing school and karate has helped me prepare for being a student athlete, and has helped shape my toughness and reaction time as a goalie. My new accomplishment of the decade is completing the 7 hour black belt test and being the sixth female to get the 15-year old studios black belt. In whatever challenge I am faced with, I always use the goalie mentality: willing to put in hard work.

Honors & Awards:
Other HS Sports Played:
Play 2 Sports In College?
Relevant Lacrosse Accolades:

See HS Stats

Coach Contacts
High School:
Foothill High School
Cristina Johnson
Team Name:
Jersey Number:
Club Name:
SoCal Express Girls
Cristina Johnson
Team Name:
SoCal Express Girls 2023
Jersey Number:

See Contact Info

GPA (unweighted):
90-92; 3.7; A-

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Recruit Calendar
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