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Monica Manley

2020 | PA: West Chester
Recruit Profile
Coachable, strong IQ, hard working, vocal, multi-sport athlete, strong leader

I play midfield and attack, and I also specialize in the draw for both my travel team, Pa Express and my school team, Bishop Shanahan. Some of my best accomplishments to date are leading my team to second round of Districts this year, and last year the District championship and State semi-finals. I was named a leading scorer for my team. Also, I received second team all Chesmont this year and last year, as the only underclassman. I was announced second team all Area this year. I also play basketball for my high school, dressing for both jv and varsity games. Both freshman and sophomore years I took honors classes, and participated in Community Service Core. This year I am in honors classes and AP English.

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