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Nathan Hartman

2022 | VA: Virginia Beach
Recruit Profile
Nathan: lighting in a bottle, little kid in a grown-up body, controlled chaos, multi-sport athlete, determined, passionate, GRIT. I love working with coaches that can teach me something

I started playing lacrosse at a young age, it was a spring hobby to keep busy until football season. Lacrosse quickly became my favorite sport, and all of my energy goes toward making myself better. I am a close defender that has good lateral quickness, size, and speed. I take high level courses and AP classes at my high school and am on course to graduate with honors. I regularly babysit local kids and mow my neighbors lawns. I am an energetic, outspoken, extrovert that likes being around other people. I have been the captain of almost every sports team I have been on, and I feel like I was born a leader. I love learning about lacrosse, but I love helping my teammates even more.


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