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Savannah Poe

2023 | MD: Hagerstown
Recruit Profile
hard working, very coachable, good team player/will get along with everyone, good attitude, multi-sport athlete, strong lax IQ

I started playing rec lacrosse at age 8 and was a dominant midfield player for my team. At age 12 I started playing club lacrosse and dominated at the draw / midfieldand and helped my team to multiple championships. I started on my highschool's varsity team as a 9th grade. I am comfortable using both hands. I am a multisport athlete playing tennis and running track. Currently I am taking AP US History and Honors French along with the other rigorous courses at my school. I volunteer at my church and started my own FCA club at school. I am involved in many groups and clubs at my school including Student Alumni, Conservative, Tour Guide, and and officer of the Marshall Society at school.

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