
Jemma Peterkin

2023 | CT: Wilton
2.3K |

Alison Fatzynytz

Oct 14, 2021

Jemma is a fabulous individual both on and off the lacrosse field. Her determination and heart are what sets her apart from other middies across all 3 areas of the field. Her strongest attributes on the field are: wicked fast feet, kills it on draw circle, strong stick; dependable with attacking and defending both directions of the ball; reliable teammate who picks the girls up when they have a poor shot placement, bad pass, etc.; Midfielder for Wilton HS varsity, got national ranking (#25) this past season. Her drive to succeed are what make her a rewarding player to coach. She has grown exponentially both at Gold Coast and Wilton - would recommend her for any program looking for a fierce midfielder who's not afraid to take smart, calculated risks with the ball and defend her 8' like crazy! -Coach Alison alison@goldcoastlax.com

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