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Katharine Cottone

2023 | NJ: Little Falls
Recruit Profile
I am passionate about the game. I love my team mates and have grown both as a player and a person. I am excited to continue my high school path.

I started playing lacrosse at 12. I currently am running varsity cross country and winter track and I am also on varsity for lacrosse. This year in winter track I obtained second place in sectionals running the 800 meter event, moving on to state groups. I am naturally a lefty but have can use both hands comfortably. Power shots, sidearm, and crease rolls are my go to scoring method. I don't mind stepping out of my comfort zone and I am always down to try something new. This current school year, my GPA is an average of 4.0. I am in honors biology and I volunteer as a counselor at a children's summer camp.


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