
Mac Upton

2023 | CO: Denver
2.2K |

Jake Withers

Jun 25, 2021

I have had the pleasure and privilege to work with Mac on a weekly basis over the past year. He is a great young man that is hungry and relentless in all aspects of training and play. Not only is Mac is a very capable and skilled lacrosse player as a whole, he is also an elite face off athlete. His versatility, tenacity and passion for the face off position sets him apart from his class and makes him a nightmare for his opponents. With that said, I believe the best trait Mac embodies is his coach-ability and desire to always improve. Mac is constantly asking questions and finding ways to take his practice, training and game performance to the next level. He is a selfless young man that has only scratched the surface of his potential, both as a teammate, leader and human being. I am excited to watch him grow, both on and off the field, and solely believe that he will be a difference maker and championship caliber player for any program that is lucky enough to land him!

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