
Sophia Schmidt

2023 | MD: Centreville
2.6K |

Emily Ewin

Nov 30, 2020

Sophia is extremely coachable and a natural leader. She has a strong defensive lacrosse IQ. She is great at receiving feedback and direction from her teammates as well! This helps in creating a team culture where personal/team growth can occur more fluidly.

Samantha Cataldo

Nov 5, 2020

Sophia is one of our most reliable defenders. She has a willingness to learn and work hard on and off the field. She takes direction very well and leads on the field. Her lacrosse IQ is strong and she could easily play any position. She is extremely coachable.

Samantha Hiner

Oct 12, 2020

Sophia has developed into a very smart, reliable and tough defender. Sophia continually works hard on and off the field. Although she has played mostly on the defensive end of the field, she has developed skills to play most anywhere with her agressive play and lax IQ.

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