
Tylr Neely

2023 | NJ: Hillsborough
761 |

Meg Clements

Oct 6, 2021

Tylr's height and athleticism are the first to stand out on the field. But what makes her the all around player is her coachability, her enthusiasm to learn and soak it all in, and her passion for the game. Tylr's communication and defensive lax IQ make her one of the top defenders on her team. She is also the ultimate teammate, always supportive and positive in challenging situations.

Kathleen Jaeger

Sep 13, 2021

Tylr is a solid all around player. She is dedicated, hardworking, and team oriented. Tylr is extremely versatile on the field - she can step into the role of attacker, midfielder, or defender, based on the team's need. She dominates on the draw and demonstrates consistent effort in practice and competitions. Tylr is always striving to improve her skills.

Rachel Hickey

Sep 9, 2021

Tylr is an incredibly committed player who is constantly showing improvement because of her efforts. Tylr creates goals for herself yet understands that the team comes first. Tylr's height allows her to have great reach on the draw and on the defensive end. I see a great future for Tylr in the college game.

Liz Cook

Sep 8, 2021

Tylr has great height and lax iq. She is a force on the field and a great teammate. Tylr is coachable and puts for the the effort and energy to make her a standout on the field. Tylr can take the draw, play an excellent game of defense and can transition nicely to the attack. She has great speed and stick skills as well! The whole package.

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